Benefits Of Ayatul Kursi
Every verse in Quran has been blessed with numerous benefits. Allah Talah has given each of the Quranic verses great importance. And imagine the benefits which the leader of Quran Kareem will have. Yes, Ayat Kursi is called the leader of Quran Shareef. It is said that anyone who recites these verses will never have satan come near him. Another description says that Allah Talah has never created anything loftier on the heaven or on earth than ayatul kursi.
These verses of Surah Baqarah are very prestigious and hold a great position in the holy Quran. If you want to know the benefits of Ayatul Kursi, then read on. One of the hadith says that anyone who recites it in the morning will be in the protection of Allah Talah till the night. Another hadith says that if a person recites it while going out of his house, then Allah Talah orders a group of angels to guide him. And, if someone recites it thrice, then the Almighty Himself takes care of that person.
Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala rold Hazrat Musa A.S. that if a person recite Ayat Kursi after every namaz and if his deeds are good then nothing can stop that person from going to heaven. In another Hadith, it was reported that the verses bring prosperity and barakat. You can easily recite ayat kursi in hindi, if your Arabic is not good. All you need to do is approach our molvi sahib and he will guide you in the best possible way. If you recite Ayatul kursi and then make dua, then Insha Allah, your prayers will get accepted and you will be in the refuge of Allah Talah.
If by now you are well-aware of the benefits of ayatul kursi, you should make it a habit of practicing it daily as many times as you can. If you haven’t learnt it by now, then come to us and we will give you the easiest way to learn it. The holy Quran shows you the right way to live your life. As a Muslim you should recite Quran daily, even if it is one verse and learn Ayatul Kursi. Remember it is a blessing of Allah Talah to help you stay away from evil of the world. It will protect you and guide you to make the right decision in life.
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Ayatul Kursi in Hindi
वलअर्ज़िवलायऊदुहूहिफ़्जुहुमावहुवलअ़लीयुलअज़ीम !
These verses are very important and should be kept in the heart permanently. Make sure you include it in your daily life to reap its benefits. Also, you can speak to our Molvi sahib to know about it in detail. He will give you suitable ways to learn it quickly.