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Dua for Marriage Problems: Powerful Guidance for Troubled Marriages 

At times, marriage can become challenging, filled with misunderstandings, arguments, and emotional pain. We understand that every Muslim wants peace and harmony in their marital life.

Just as dua for someone you love has helped countless people worldwide, these duas and surahs are designed to soften hearts and mend broken relationships.

Trust in Allah, and with the power of Quranic verses and sincere duas, your marriage problems can be resolved. Let’s dive into the specific duas, surahs, and wazifas for marriage problems, one step at a time. 

Dua for Marriage Problems 

If you are facing constant struggles in your marriage, the dua for marriage problems is your key to seeking Allah’s blessings to solve these issues. Reciting this dua can help clear misunderstandings and bring peace to your relationship.  

“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer” 

(Translation: “My Lord, I am truly in need of whatever good You send down to me.”) 

Procedure to perform dua for marriage problems

  •  Begin by performing ablution. 
  •  Recite Durood Shareef 11 times. 
  •  Recite the above dua 101 times with a pure heart. 
  •  End by reciting Durood Shareef 11 more times and pray to Allah for solving your marriage problems. 
  •  Repeat for 21 days. 

By reciting this dua daily with full faith in Allah, you will start seeing positive changes in your relationship. Allah knows what’s best for us, and His help will come when we trust Him completely. 

Which Surah is Best For Marriage Proposal?

Reciting the Qur’an brings peace and tranquility. Specific surahs are especially effective in resolving conflicts in marriages. One powerful surah for marriage problems is Surah Al-Ikhlas. 

Surah Al-Ikhlas: 

“Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Qul huwal-lahu ahad, Allahus-Samad, Lam yalid wa lam yoolad, wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad.” 

(Translation: “Say, He is Allah, the One. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.”) 

Procedure of Surah Ikhlas for Marriage

  • After performing ablution, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 11 times after every prayer. 
  • Pray to Allah to remove the conflicts and problems in your marriage. 
  • Continue for 30 days, and inshaAllah, you will witness harmony and understanding return to your marital life. 

This surah is a beautiful way to call upon Allah’s eternal wisdom and mercy, and it can work wonders in healing a broken marriage. 

Which Wazifa for Marriage Problems is the most effective?

If the troubles in your marriage seem endless, you can try the powerful wazifa for marriage problems to resolve ongoing conflicts and seek divine intervention.

  • After Fajr prayer, recite Ya Wadudu (O the Loving One) 303 times. 
  • After completing this, pray to Allah to fill your spouse’s heart with love and understanding. 
  • End by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times. 
  • Repeat this wazifa for 7 consecutive days. With patience and belief in Allah’s mercy, you will begin to see changes in your spouse’s behavior and a decrease in your marital problems. 

What is the most impressive Dua for Husband and Wife Problems 

Marriage requires both partners to be on the same page emotionally and mentally. If your husband or wife is distant or behaving unfairly, the dua for husband and wife problems can help restore peace. 

“Allahumma inni as’aluka min fadhlika wa rahmatika fa innahu la yamlikuha illa anta.” 

(Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for Your grace and mercy, for none owns them except You.”) 

5 Step Procedure of performing the Wazifa for Marriage Problems

  • Perform ablution and sit in a quiet place. 
  • Recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times. 
  • Then, recite the above dua 11 times. 
  • Make a heartfelt prayer asking Allah to bring peace and understanding between you and your spouse. 
  • Repeat this dua for 11 days. With constant devotion, your spouse will begin to show love and care. 

Dua for Difficulty in Marriage for Strong Relationship

Sometimes, the journey of marriage becomes difficult due to external pressures, financial struggles, or personal misunderstandings. The dua for difficulty in marriage can help reduce these trials. 

“Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yun, waj’alna lil muttaqeena imama.” 

(Translation: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”) 

How to get rid of all difficulties in marriage with dua from Quran?

  • After Isha prayer, sit quietly and focus on your intention. 
  • Recite the dua mentioned above 21 times. 
  • End by praying for patience and guidance to overcome the hardships. 
  • Continue for 40 days. InshaAllah, Allah will ease the difficulties in your marriage and grant you peace.

Dua to Fix Marriage Problems 

If your marriage is on the verge of collapse, this dua to fix marriage problems can be your lifeline. It brings Allah’s mercy to heal wounds and reconcile differences. 

“Allahumma aslih dhaat bayninaa wahdi quloobanaa wa ahdinaa subul assalaam, wa najjinaa min adh-dhulumaati ilan-noor, wa jannibnaa al-fawaahish.” 

(Translation: “O Allah, reconcile between us, guide our hearts, and lead us to peace. Save us from darkness and protect us from sins.”) 


  •   After each obligatory prayer, recite the dua 5 times. 
  •   Pray to Allah for healing and peace in your marriage. 
  •   Perform this for 30 days to restore your marriage, with full faith in Allah’s divine help. 

Read the dua for husband and wife love for a better and strong relationship.

Dua for Hardship in Marriage 

When you face challenges beyond your control, like family disputes or financial hardships, the dua for hardship in marriage will help you seek Allah’s mercy and ease. 


“Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel, ni’mal mawla wa ni’man naseer.” 

(Translation: “Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.”) 

How to stop fight between husband and wife in Islam?

  1. Perform ablution and sit in a clean place. 
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 3 times. 
  3. Recite this dua 100 times. 
  4. Ask Allah to remove the hardships and bring peace to your marriage. 
  5. Recite this dua for 15 days, and you will feel the weight of your problems lift with Allah’s help. 

Dua for Husband and Wife Reconciliation 

If your relationship has hit rock bottom, you can seek Allah’s intervention with the dua for husband and wife reconciliation. 


“Ya Hayyu, Ya Qayyum, Bi Rahmatika astagheeth.” 

(Translation: “O Ever-Living, O Sustainer, in Your mercy I seek help.”) 


  1.   After Fajr prayer, recite this dua 21 times. 
  2.   Make a heartfelt prayer asking Allah to reunite you with your spouse and resolve all conflicts. 
  3.   Repeat for 21 days and, inshaAllah, your relationship will begin to heal. 

With these duas, surahs, and wazifas for marriage problems, always remember that Allah is the best planner. Trust Him, have patience, and follow the procedures with full faith. Allah will surely grant you the peace and happiness you seek in your marriage. 


In conclusion, marriage is a sacred bond, and when difficulties arise, turning to Allah with sincere duas and wazifas can bring about healing and reconciliation. The powerful prayers mentioned above, including the dua for marriage problems, surah for marriage problems, and wazifa for marriage problems, are steps toward finding peace and resolving marital issues. By following these procedures consistently, while keeping trust in Allah, your marriage can become stronger and more loving.

Always remember that Allah is aware of our struggles, and with patience and faith, even the most challenging problems can be solved. These duas and prayers not only soften hearts but also bring blessings into your relationship, guiding both husband and wife towards mutual love and respect. Keep performing these prayers regularly, and InshaAllah, you will witness positive changes in your marriage.

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