Dua For Married Couple
If you want your spouse to be madly in love with you right from the day of Nikah and you want your partner to be fully dedicated to you all your life, then dua for newly married couple is the best remedy for you. The dua for a wedding couple will make your partner love you madly right from the start of your marriage. If you are hesitant to speak to your new bride or groom, then this prayer will add love, affection, understanding, and compatibility between you and your partner and make things better for you. Insha Allah, your married life will be a blessing.
It is important to consult our Molvi sab. to get the procedure of this remedy. He has vast knowledge and experience in this field and he will surely help you in the best possible way. So, speak to him and get an instant solution in this regard.
Related Post: Dua For Happy Married Life
Dua For Newly Married Couple
Marriage is a very complicated decision and you should never take it in haste. If you are planning for your marriage, then apart from looking out for the best marriage proposals, you should also seek help from
Allah Talah by practicing dua for couples getting married. The dua will help you in taking the right decisions related to your marriage and Insha Allah, the Almighty will bless your marriage and you will have a great marital life with your partner. So make dua for getting married not just to have a peaceful and good marriage but also to have a great marital life ahead.
If you are going to get married in a few days and you want your marriage to be successful and prosperous, then you should recite dua for a married couple. The prayer will fill your life with blessings and positivity. It will enhance love and understanding between the partners. This remedy can also be recited for couples who have been married for a long to revive their marriage and bring in the lost charm and delight of the marriage.
Dua For Couples in Islam
Those people who want their marriage to be very successful should recite dua for the wedding couple to bring better understanding between each other. If you are scared about getting married and you have no idea how to deal with your partner, then this prayer will help you out. It will make your partner understand you in a better way.
Dua for getting married is given below as:
“Allah HummaWaFaqniLamuFaqatilAbraraWaJannibni Mur FaqatalAshraWaAdni Bi RahmatikaIlaDarilQararBalTafakalYaIlahalAlameen”
- Recite this dua 111 times daily after the namaz of Isha.
- Make sure you include DuroodShareef thrice in the beginning and in the end.
- Make dua to Allah Talah to bless you with a good partner and a happily married life.
- Insha Allah, you will see that soon you will be married to the best person in the world for you and your marriage will take place smoothly, without any hurdles and problems.