Dua To Break Haram Relationship
Being in a haram relationship with another person is a sin for a married person. In the eyes of Allah, marriage is a very sacred relationship. Being disloyal to your spouse makes a person the biggest sinner in the religion of Islam. Any person who knows that their spouse is disloyal should recite the dua to break the haram relationship.
For a woman to find out about her husband’s extramarital relationship can be heartbreaking. The pain of betrayal by the person she loved the most can be disheartening. Some women silently go through this pain. However, some women take action to end their husband’s affairs. For this to happen, they recite the dua to break unlawful relationship.
With the help of the dua to break haram relationship, a woman can make her husband realize his mistakes. It is the best Islamic prayer to read to end an illegal relationship. Allah never allows a man or woman to cheat on their spouse. If a person does this, they should know that Allah will never forgive their sin.
Dua To Break Unlawful Relationship
In Islam, a relationship with your spouse is halal. However, the relationship formed with another person after getting married is haram. An extramarital affair of a man or woman is strictly prohibited in our religion.
If a man or woman finds out about their spouse cheating on them, they should begin reading the dua to break an unlawful relationship. It is the best prayer to read to make your spouse loyal once again. To perform the dua to break haram relationship, the following steps should be performed.
- Perform this dua only when you are sure about your spouse cheating on you. If you doubt, it is better to confirm it before performing this dua.
- If you have made sure about the illegal relationship of your spouse, perform this dua.
- Perform ablution first and then go to a place where you can concentrate.
- After sitting on your prayer mat, begin reciting Durood Sharif eleven times.
- Then, recite Surah Al-Kausar a hundred times.
- You have to chant this dua to break an unlawful relationship 33 times:
Khoola Hoo Wallah Hoo Ahada Allah Hussamad Lamha Yahlid Walah
Myulad Waa Laamyaa Khoolahu Ko Fuwahn Ahada
- Recite Durood Sharif eleven more times and then blow your breath over your spouse.
- You can do it over their photograph if they are not near you.
- You have to perform this process until you are sure that your spouse is no more involved with another person.
Wazifa To Break Relationship
Dua or wazifa to break a relationship is a powerful prayer that helps people end their spouse’s illegal relationship. Instead of suffering alone in the marriage when your spouse cheats on you, it is better to ask for Allah’s help.
The wazifa to break the relationship that is haram in Islam is the best prayer. This has saved many marriages from ending. The person who cheated on their spouse realized their mistake. They immediately ended their illegal relationship and returned to their spouse.
Wazifa or dua to break illegal relationships is a dua to separate two illegally involved people. To understand this dua better, you can contact our Maulvi Sahab.