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How To Do Istikhara For Divorce

How To Do Istikhara For Divorce

Our Istikhara for divorce has changed many peoples lives in a positive way and helped them in finding peace and clarity in their difficult marriages.

In Islam, “talaq” means divorce. It’s a process where both husband and wife agree to end their marriage. Sometimes, couples find that their relationship isn’t working out, and that’s okay. Not every marriage is perfect, and Islam understands that.

Performing Istikhara for divorce can help guide you through the decision-making process. It’s a way to get Allah’s guidance and make the right choice. In Islam, it’s acceptable for people to end a marriage if they feel they are not right for each other. The talaq system allows this, making it easier for people to move on with their lives.

5 Important Points To Follow Before Doing Istikhara Dua For Divorce

  1. Be honest with yourself and think carefully about your feelings and whether you truly want a divorce.
  2. Make sure you are clean every time before praying.
  3. Choose a peaceful place to pray, where you won’t be disturbed.
  4. Do not read this dua when you are in your periods.
  5. Do not Perform this dua if you are not sure about your decision.

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Why Do We Need Istikhara for Divorce?

Istikhara for divorce is a special prayer that Muslims say when they are unsure about whether to stay in their marriage or to get a divorce. It’s a way to ask Allah for guidance and help in making this very important and difficult decision.

Deciding to divorce is a big and emotional choice. Sometimes, people feel confused or scared about what to do. By performing Istikhara, we ask Allah to show us the right path and to give us peace in our hearts about the decision we are making. It is a way to gain comfort and clarity when we’re facing a tough time.

How to Do Istikhara for Divorce

  • Make Wudu (Ablution) and clean yourself.
  • Find a Quiet Place where you can focus on your dua.
  • Pray Two Rak’ahs of Voluntary Prayer  with the intention of getting help from Allah.
  • Recite the Istikhara Dua: After you finish praying, say the Istikhara dua. This dua is a prayer asking Allah to help you decide if divorce is the right choice. If you don’t know the dua, you can read it from a book or find it online. Here’s the dua in English:

Allahumma inni astakheeruka bi ‘ilmika, wa astaqdiruka bi qudratika, wa as’aluka min fadlika al-‘azheem. Fa in kunta ta’lamu anna haadhal-amra (mention the matter) khayrun li fi deeni wa ma’aashi wa ‘aaqibati amri, faqdurhu li wa yassirhu li thumma baarik li fihi. Wa in kunta ta’lamu anna haadhal-amra sharrun li fi deeni wa ma’aashi wa ‘aaqibati amri, fasrifhu ‘anni wasrifni ‘anhu, waqdur li al-khayra haythu kana thumma radini bihi.After saying the dua, spend a moment telling Allah about your feelings and worries.

  • After your prayer, try to relax and keep an open mind.

Istikhara helps you feel more connected to Allah and gives you a sense of peace, knowing you have asked for divine guidance. Remember, it’s also good to talk to trusted family members or friends, and ask advice or support from people you trust.

If you need any kind of assistance, Do not hesitate to call or WhatsApp me. I am here to help you with your problems. Feel free to WhatsApp me now.

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Understanding Istikhara Signs for Divorce

When you perform Istikhara for a big decision like divorce, you are asking Allah to guide you and help you make the best choice. Sometimes, after praying, people look for signs or feelings that might help them understand what to do next. Here’s how you can recognize and understand these signs:

Types of Istikhara Signs

  1. Feelings of Peace or Unease
    • After doing Istikhara, you might feel a sense of peace or relief when you think about your decision. This could be a sign that the choice you’re considering is good for you.
    • On the other hand, if you feel anxious, uneasy, or uncomfortable, it might mean that the decision isn’t right for you.
  2. Dreams
  1. Some people have dreams after performing Istikhara that seem to give them a message. These dreams might be clear or symbolic.
  2. For example, a positive dream could make you feel good about your choice, while a negative or confusing dream might suggest reconsidering the decision.

3. How To Do Istikhara For Divorce

  1. You might start noticing advice or comments from friends, family, or even strangers that seem to relate to your situation. Pay attention to these as they might help you see things more clearly.
  2. Unexpected events or changes in your life that happen soon after your Istikhara can also be seen as signs.

How to Understand These Istikhara Signs For Divorce

  • After doing Istikhara, take time to relax and think about your feelings and any signs you might have noticed. Don’t rush into a decision.
  • Continue to pray and ask Allah for clear guidance. It’s okay to perform Istikhara more than once if you still feel uncertain.
  • Talk to people you trust, like family members, friends, or a religious leader. They can offer advice and help you understand your feelings and experiences.
  • Remember that Istikhara is about getting guidance from Allah. Whatever decision you make, trust that it is the best path for you, even if it’s not immediately clear.

Istikhara is a spiritual practice that helps you connect with Allah and find peace in your decisions. While the signs may not always be obvious or straightforward, keeping an open heart and mind can help you find the right path.

5 Benefits of Reciting Istikhara Dua for Divorce

  1. Istikhara helps you ask Allah for advice and direction, so you can make a better decision about divorce.
  2. After praying, you might feel calmer and more at ease, which can help you feel more confident about your choice.
  3. It helps you think more clearly about the situation, making it easier to understand what’s best for you.
  4. If you’re unsure about what to do, Istikhara can provide clarity and help you decide if divorce is the right choice.
  5. It strengthens your trust that Allah will guide you to the best outcome, giving you comfort and reassurance.
If you have any further inquiries, Call now Molvi Ji and get your answers with clarification.


Istikhara for divorce is a prayer that helps making a difficult decision by asking Allah’s guidance. It helps you feel connected to Allah and provides clarity and peace. 

Understanding Istikhara signs, such as feelings of peace or unease, dreams, and unexpected advice, can guide you toward the best choice. 

Remember to stay calm and trust in Allah’s plan. Istikhara is a spiritual journey that can bring comfort and assurance, helping you navigate challenging times with faith and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When to Pray Istikharah?

You should pray Istikhara when you face a difficult decision or feel unsure about a choice, like whether to get a divorce. It’s best to perform Istikhara after you have made an effort to understand the situation and have considered all options.

 Pray Istikhara after performing your regular prayers, ideally during the night or a quiet time when you can focus. It’s important to pray with a open heart, asking Allah for guidance and clarity. 

Remember, Istikhara is a way to get divine help, so be patient and trust in Allah’s wisdom.

2. Is it Permissible to pray Istikharah concerning the issue of divorce?

Yes, it is permissible to pray Istikhara for issues related to divorce. Istikhara is a prayer for seeking Allah’s guidance when making difficult decisions, including whether to proceed with a divorce. 

If you are unsure about the best course of action and need divine help to make a clear decision, performing Istikhara can provide clarity and peace. It is a way to ask Allah to show you the right path and guide you to what is best for your situation.

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