Most Powerful Surahs in The Quran
We all know that the Holy Quran consists of many surahs. It is a fact that every Surah is helpful for us in various aspects of life. Every Surah in the Holy book has its importance. However, we are going to talk about the most powerful surahs in the Quran. Specifically, we will talk about the surah al Kausar benefits, Surah Al-Qayyum and the Surah Fatiha ka amal.
The most powerful surahs in the Quran are the ones that are read, memorized, or recited with priority. A person reads these surah in need of protection, forgiveness, and blessings from Allah. These surahs from the Quran bring a person closer to Allah.
Surah Fatiha Ka Amal
Surah Al-Fatiha is the first opening surah of the Holy Quran. It is one of the most powerful surahs in the holy book that helps cure physical and spiritual ailments. Whenever a person feels sick, then they should begin reciting the Surah Fatiha ka Amal.
- The Surah Fatiha ka Amal is the best prayer to cure your soul as well. One who is stricken with physical or mental ailments needs requires healing from Allah. The Surah Al-Fatiha prescribes a solution for all the problems one faces in life.
The Surah Fatiha ka Amal should be a part of our daily prayers. Many Muslims read this to seek protection from Allah and his angels.
Surah Al Kausar Benefits of Reciting
Surah Al-Kausar, also known as the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran, is the 108th chapter in the book. The reason why it is the shortest Surah is that it consists of only three verses. Let us now tell you what the Surah Al-Kausar benefits are in our daily life.
- One who reads Surah Al-Kausar regularly will be fed water on the day of resurrection by Allah.
- Reciting this Surah will help a person in getting rid of enemies effectively.
- Reciting Surah Al-Kausar every day brings prosperity, wealth, and success in life.
- People who wish to get married should repeat the Surah Kausar after the Fajr namaz.
- If you want to have a baby, then you should recite the Surah Kausar after namaz. Very soon, Allah will fulfill your wish and bless you with a healthy baby.
How To Perform Surah Al Qayyum
The Surah Al-Qayyum is a prayer that helps a person get rid of all the stress in life. It is to seek relief from all kinds of distressing situations. From the hadith of Surah Al Qayyum, the Prophet has given an unmistakable message. Seeking comfort in various aspects of personal and professional life is done through Surah Al-Qayyum.
Reciting “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum” every day is beneficial for being closer to Allah. A person who remembers the Almighty in good and bad times should remember to read this Surah. Reading the Surah Al-Qayyum every day will give a person the strength to handle life’s hardships.
If you want more information about the most powerful surahs from the Quran, contact our Islamic scholar. He will help you in understanding every Surah that can benefit you personally.