Dua For A Broken Heart
Not everyone in this world is lucky enough to get married to the person you love. A lot of people have to go through the pain of heartbreak. The reason for this heartbreak might be your partner’s disloyalty, parents’ disagreement, or some difficult situations. No matter what the reason for your breakup was, the pain of heartbreak is no less for anyone. To cope up with your breakup, you need the Surah dua for broken heart.
This Islamic dua is the best way with which you can let go of all your pain. You may also face heartbreak after expressing your love for someone. This might be the case because the other person does not feel the same for you.
You can be broken-hearted if your friend has distanced themselves from you. A friend with whom you have spent years together leaves you to be friends with someone else. This pain of betrayal is a feeling no person should ever go through. But destiny does not hold only happiness in life; you have to go through pain as well.
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Dua For Heartbreak
The pain of heartbreak can be treated with the dua for a broken heart. This dua helps you get over your sad emotions. You can improve your emotional and mental health through this dua for healing. This dua will bring back happiness in your life.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for heartbreak. Only time can heal the scars created on your mind. With the dua for heartbreak, you can gather all your strength to get better from your heartbreak. With correct consultation from a Maulvi, you get to understand this dua better.
This dua is powerful enough to make you forget the actual reason for heartbreak. You will start forgetting all the bad memories that remind you of the pain of betrayal. With the correct use of this dua, you can also forget the emotional stress you have in your life.
Dua To Get Over A Broken Heart
After going through some heartbreaking situations in life, it is hard to find happiness. Nothing brings you happiness or peace anymore. The restlessness created by emotional stress in your mind starts taking a toll on you. Your deteriorating health also becomes noticeable by people around you. Dua to get over a broken heart is an very effective Islamic way by which you all problems will end soon.
]This dua will help you make efforts to find your happiness. You will start getting your confidence back. You will try to forget all the bad memories in your life.
The correct dua to forget heartbreak is: “YaaHayyuYaaQayyum, Astagfirullaah”
- It is to be kept in mind that this dua should be performed after the namaz of Ishaa.
- You can repeat this dua for hurting heart as many times as you can.
- After the namaz of Isha, you can sleep.
- The next morning you will surely wake up with a fresh mind.
- And your heart will not feel the burden of your heartbreak anymore.
You can consult our Maulvi if you want to know more about this dua.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best remedy for a broken heart?
There are several ways to heal a broken heart but Islamic ways are the most effective solution to get over a heartbreak. You can perfrom above mentioned dua and can get a happy life again.
What is the best quick effective dua for all problems to go away?
This dua for all problems is the best effective dua that works quickly. You can recite this dua to solve your life related problems. This Islamic remedy will help you out from every issue in your life.
Is there any Islamic Dua to forget someone you love?
Yes, this dua for forget someone is the most powerful Quranic remedy. Recite this dua to forget a person you love. You can restart your life happily with the help of this Islamic solution.