Powerful Surah For Husband Wife Love

powerful Surah For Husband Wife Love

Many of you have asked us for a specific surah for husband wife love to help make your husbands love you more. Today, we will discuss a Which surah to read for husband love that can help strengthen your husband’s love in Islam.

There are many duas and surahs that can help reignite love in a marriage. It’s not uncommon for some women to feel like the spark in their marriage has faded over time. If you read this post carefully, you’ll find a solution to your problems with your husband.

The surah to increase a husband’s love is a powerful Islamic prayer that can help make him fall in love with you again. If you feel your husband is not treating you well or doesn’t know how to make you happy, this surah for love between husband and wife can help him respect and care for you more.

Surah for husband to love his wife is a Quranic remedy that can help resolve conflicts between couples. Sometimes, fights can cause a husband and wife to separate. This surah to make husband love and dua can help you bring your husband back into your life.

Tips Before Reciting the Surah For Husband and Wife Love

  1. Always remember to perform fresh wudu (ablution) before starting the dua. Being clean is important in Islam.
  2. Your heart should be pure and negativity free when you pray.
  3. It’s important to keep your faith in Allah (SWT) and trust that He knows what’s best.
  4. Trust in the process and continue with the surah for husband and wife love.
  5. It is important to avoid reciting the surah during your menstrual cycle.
  6. Do not tell others that you are reading a dua for your husband. This practice shouldbe kept between you and Allah.
  7. To increase your husband’s love and affection, recite the surah for 21 days.

Which Surah to Read for Husband’s Love in Islam (Surah For Husband Love)

  1. Begin by taking a bath to cleanse yourself.
  2. Start by reading Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Then, recite Surah Al-Kawthar three times. This surah is known for its blessings and rewards.
  4. After that, read Durood Sharif 11 more times.
  5. Finally, make a heartfelt dua, asking Allah for your husband’s love and affection.

Surah Al-Kawthar is a powerful prayer for those seeking to increase their husband’s love and affection. It is recommended to read Surah Al-Kawthar for 11 days consistently. Even if you notice positive changes, do not stop the practice in the middle.

Reading Surah Al-Kawthar for your husband’s love can help deepen his feelings for you. The results from this practice can be truly remarkable.

Read More : Effective Dua for Love from Husband

Surah to Make Your Husband Love You in 4 Simple Steps

  1. First, perform a fresh wudu (ablution) to cleanse yourself. Then, sit in a quiet and peaceful place.
  2. Begin by reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas three times. This short surah emphasizes the oneness of Allah.
  3. Next, recite Surah Al-Falaq three times. This surah seeks protection from various harms.
  4. Finally, raise your hands in prayer and ask Allah SWT to instill love and affection in your husband’s heart for you.

This practice of reciting specific surahs is a way to ask Allah to strengthen the love and respect in your marriage. By consistently performing this simple ritual, you can seek to build a more loving and loyal relationship with your husband.

If you’re unsure about how to recite any surah, you can reach out to Hazrat Noor Mohammad Ji on WhatsApp for help. We hope this article has answered all your questions, but if you still have any, please leave a comment below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Read More: Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You

6 Steps Procedure For Surah for Husband to Love His Wife

  1. Place a glass of water near you before starting.
  2. Clean yourself by performing ablution (wudu).
  3. Read Ayatul Kursi three times. This verse is known for its protective powers.
  4. After that, recite Surah Al-Jumu’ah 14 times
  5. Once you finish, blow gently on the glass of water.
  6. Finally, give this water to your husband to drink, hoping for his love and affection.

Repeating this process of reciting Surah Al-Jumu’ah for 14 days can help you win your husband’s true love. Surah Al-Jumu’ah is a prayer that can bring blessings and help resolve issues in a marriage.

How To Read Surah For Love Between Husband and Wife 

First, ensure you have complete faith in the power of the Surah of Quran and the blessings of Allah. If you are sure that your faith is unbreakable then start following this procedure-

  1. You can recite this Surah after any prayer (salah).
  2. Before starting, make sure you are completely clean (paak). Do not recite if you are not in a state of purity.
  3. While reciting the Surah, keep your intentions pure and avoid any negative thoughts.
  4. Sit facing the direction of Mecca (Qibla) while reciting the Surah.
  5. Have a Quran and some Zamzam water with you during the recitation.
  6. Trust in Allah, as He is the one who grants blessings.
  7. After performing the Surah, recite a special intention (Niyyah) to complete the process.

Insha Allah, you will soon be blessed with your husband love with whom you can be called your true love story.

If you need any kind of assistance, Don’t hesitate to call or WhatsApp me. I am here to help you with your problems. Feel free to WhatsApp me now.

5 Benefits of Reciting Surah For Husband Wife Love 

  1. The first and most important benefit is that your efforts will show quick results.
  2. The effects of this surah are longlasting and can benefit you throughout your life.
  3. Asking for help from Allah by reading a Surah for husband love is a lawful (halal) method in Islam.
  4. Reading a Surah regularly helps you develop a habit of reading the Holy Quran.
  5. If someone recites a Surah for husband love, Allah will guide and protect her husband.

Sometimes, innocent Muslim sisters are deceived by people who promise to make their husbands fall in love with them for money but fail to deliver. Reading a Surah is a safe and sincere way to seek help without falling into such traps.


If you recite the Surah to win back your husband’s love with trust in Almighty Allah (SWT), you won’t need anyone else’s help. A dua is a strong way to make your wishes come true.

It is all about your intentions and efforts. If you recite any Surah with faith in Allah to make your husband love you again, we believe your husband will love you in ways you never imagined.

If you think you have made a mistake before and it’s causing problems now, start by saying “Astaghfirullah” 50 times.

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