Surah For Success
You may want to get successful in different things in life. You may have different goals set for your career, marriage and other fields. You may wish to attain success in everything right from your degree to your retirement plan. But remember, we plan and then Allah plans and surely He is the best planner. Hence, all we can do is make dua for our success and pray that things go according to our planning. If you have set your goals in life and you want to accomplish all of them without any hindrance or hassle, then you should perform surah for success. The surah will bring your due success to you without any problems.
In life, people may get disheartened if they don’t achieve their desired goals. You may be appearing for your exam tomorrow or you may be having your first interview coming up, but do you know how can you be successful in it? Well, if you really want satan to be away from you and things to go positive in your life, then you should practice dua for success in life. The dua is meant to bring positivity, happiness and success to you. It will make your life trouble-free.
Kids always get scared before appearing in exams. They have a phobia of being marked on their academics. Even after knowing the syllabus, some kids fail to get good marks because of the examination fear. If you feel that your kid suffers from exam phobia or if he is a little weak in studies, then surah for the success in exams will help you in getting the best results. It will wipe out all the fear from your kid’s heart and prepare him well for the exams. Insha Allah, your child will pass with great marks.
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Dua For Success in Life
- If you want to be successful in life and be happy in all conditions, then you should recite Surah Yaseen on daily basis. The surah is meant to bring success to you, be it work, marriage, business or studies, it will bring success in everything.
- If there is something particular you want to be successful in say a competition then you should recite the dua given: “Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Ilayya Min Khairin Faqeer”
- The verse is from Surah Al-Qasas. It is very powerful and will bring you great prosperity in anything you recite it for.
If you need more details on the surah and its benefits, you can consult our Molvi sahib for the same. He will give you proper guidance on it. For every person, success is very important. He may try hard, but remember dua has the power to change your fate. Insha Allah, your biggest adversity will change into an opportunity if you practice the above-given dua with the right intentions and purity in your heart. Do not give up on Allah Talah and keep making dua for anything and everything you need in life. With the grace of the Almighty, Insha Allah, things will come your way and you will be successful in everything you want.