Dua For Good Luck
Luck has always played a vital role in shaping our lives. If something good happens in life, then people call you lucky. Similarly, if something bad takes place, then people call it bad luck. But, can you affect your luck? Can you change your bad luck to good luck? Well, you can make dua for good luck to Allah Talah and Insha Allah, the Almighty will enhance your luck and soon things will take place in your favor.
If your life is a complete mess and you don’t know what to do and where to go, then you should make dua for good luck. The dua will help you in building better luck for you. Sometimes people do black magic or bandish on your luck so that you don’t progress. But, when you make dua for good luck in life, then Allah Talah removes all the effect of black magic and bandish from your luck and makes it better. Soon you will see things working for you.
Dua For Good Luck In Life
If you have a miserable life and you are all the time worried about your health and life then pray to Allah Talah and make dua for good health and long life and soon Allah Miyan will fill your life with satisfaction, health, happiness, and money. The dua for good luck in life removes all the bad luck from your life and make you successful and prosperous. Good fortune in wealth, health and family will take place. When you make dua for good luck, Allah does the needful for you and soon you start earning from legit sources. It doesn’t just bring you wealth, but also adds happiness and wellbeing to your life.
If you have health issues, then you should make dua for good health and long life. The dua has been known to help a lot of people suffering from diseases and ailments. You can get in touch with our molvi sb. to know about the dua for good health and long life. Don’t worry. It may be just a phase that will be long gone if you practice the dua for good luck with sincerity and devotion. Your luck plays an important role in shaping your life, hence you should recite dua for good luck in life to bring better luck and fortune to you.
Dua For Good Health And Long Life
Dua for good luck is given below:
“Allah HummaInni As AlukaSihhatan Fi ImanWaImanan Fi HusniKhuluq, WaNajahayYatBa’uhuFala Hun WaRahmatanMinkaWaAfiyatanWaMagfiratanMinkaWaRizwanan”
Recite this dua after performing the namaz of Isha and make dua to Allah Talah to make your luck better. Make it a habit of reciting it daily thrice after the namaz. Don’t worry. Soon you will notice that things will start getting better in your life and if you put your hands into something new, it will work for you. However, it is important to only recite this dua for legit things in your life or else it will not work.