Dua To Increase Love Between Husband and Wife
Do you want you and your partner should always be in love till the last day of your life? Do you want that no confusion and problem shall ever enter your marriage? Well, if yes, then the best way to make this happen is to recite dua to increase love between husband and wife. If you want to make your partner love you unconditionally then The dua will help you in adding more love, romance, intimacy, and understanding between you and your spouse. This Islamic solution will make your marriage a big success.
If you are facing a lack of trust, misunderstanding, or incompatibility issues with your partner, you may be worried that it may lead to the end of your marriage somehow, So for saving your relationship you should recite dua to increase love in your husband’s heart.
Related Post: Which surah is read for husband love
Husband Love Dua in Islam
The dua will help you in filling your husband’s heart with care and affection for you. It will make him come closer to you. And also end all the confusion, misunderstanding and problems from your marriage. It helps to increase trust, bonding, and compatibility. It will revive your marriage and make things better. Dua to create love between husband-wife will never let any differences create a rift between you and your partner.
Read this love between husband -wife dua and follow this ritual:
- Make ablution and wear fresh clothes.
- Now read Durood E Paak twice.
- After this read, “bismillaah Allaahumma jannibnash shayTaana wa jannibish shayTaana maa razaqtanaa” 3400 times while visualizing the outcome that you desire.
- Complete the ritual by reading Surah Yasin once.
Follow this ritual for the husband-wife love dua for 13 days and you will start noticing the differences in the behavior of your partner. The prayer for married couples will improve the behavior of your partner and instill understanding in the relationship.
Dua To Increase Love In Husband’s Heart
If you are worried that your husband is gradually losing his interest in you and he no longer loves you like he used to, then dua to increase love in husband’s heart is the best remedy for you. It will re-create your husband’s interest in you and make him love you with all his heart. It will make your husband come back to you irrespective of any problem your marriage is going through. If you are worried that your husband may go astray, then Islamic dua to create love in your husband heart will definitely never let this happen
In order to get the dua to create love between spouses, you should contact our molvi sab. He will provide you the right procedure for the dua. Even if your marriage has reached the stage of divorce, then also this dua to increase love between husband and wife will save your marriage and never let this happen. So, make dua with full devotion and dedication and Insha Allah, you will get positive results very soon. The dua will only work if you recite it with pure intent and firm belief.
Never let any third person interfere in your marriage. If you think that the interference of someone is creating a difference between you and your partner, this prayer will not let that happen. It will not let your partner pay attention to anyone or anything apart from you and he/she will trust you solely. This dua for a married couple is solely meant for married couples and is a boon for them to rejuvenate their married life. The husband or wife can practice this prayer to maintain an understanding of their relationship. Indeed, the Almighty will bless you with what you desire.
Dua For Husband Wife Love
The dua for husband and wife love will help you to minimize the differences between you and your partner. If you feel that your partner doesn’t respect you and has anger issues that are causing troubles in the relationship this dua to increase love between husband and wife will be helpful for you. Many marriages suffer due to the negligence of the partner towards the other. As the workload increases and the challenges in life rise, there seems to be no time for love and romance in the relationship. This causes the distances between the couples and the marriage is affected.
Dua for husband and wife love is given below as:
“Allah Humma Allif Baina Kulu Bina Wa Aslih Zara Bainina Wah Dina Subulas Salam Wa Najjina Minaz Zulumati Ilan Noor”
- Recite this dua 101 times and blow it one some sweet dish.
- The husband and wife should eat the dish together.
- Continue doing this for 11 days and Insha Allah, soon you will feel more love and affection between you and your partner.
If you feel that the distances between you and your partner are increasing due to their attraction towards the other person and they might be having an affair then read the dua for love between couples. This dua will help you to break their affair with the other person and will attract them back to you. Many couples have to face the severe consequences of infidelity and cheating in the marriage that even leads to divorce. But you can put an end to these causes of distances as soon as you notice them.
Dua For Husband To Love Wife
![dua for husband wife love](https://quraniduas.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dua-To-Increase-Husband-Wife-Love-in-Islam.jpg)
The relationship between a husband and wife requires understanding, love, and affection for its sustenance. None of the married couples can survive their marriage without love. Hence, it is important for both partners to maintain love. If you find that love is depreciating in your relationship, then you should make dua for the husband to love his wife. The dua will make your husband love you dearly and there will be no problems or chaos in your married life. If you feel your husband’s love for you is getting less with the passing years then the dua for husband to love wife is all you need.
If you find out that your husband is having an extramarital affair and you wish to put an end to it and bring him back to you, then dua for love between husband and wife will re-create the lost marital care and affection in his heart. By reciting the dua he will definitely come back to you. If you think that your life partner is focusing too much on his work and business and not giving you sufficient time, then you can start practicing dua for increasing love in relationship to revive your marriage.
Dua’s for Good Matrimonial Relationship
Dua for Husband to love wife is given below as:
- Recite this dua 100 times after every obligatory prayer of the day.
- Make sure you recite Durood Shareef thrice in the beginning and in the end of the dua
Ya Wadoodoo ya Kabeero
- Then make dua to Allah talah to create immense love, trust and, compatibility between you and your partner.
Insha Allah, soon your spouse will have different behavior towards you and your marital life will flourish
Without the right guidance, you may not be able to perform dua for increasing love between husband and wife. You can acquire the procedure from our Molvi sab. Explain to him the situation you are facing and he will give you the best remedy for it. As a wife, if you want to maintain the interest of your husband in you and in marriage, then this remedy will serve your purpose well. Recite the dua for misunderstanding between husband -wife with full concentration and Insha Allah, things will soon change for the better.
Husband Wife Love Dua
The relationship between couples is based on love, care, understanding, commitment, and sacrifices for each other. It is important to maintain this love and harmony throughout the marriage and for that. It is also important to prioritize these things in the relationship. To balance the proximity and adoration between you and your partner reading the Islamic husband wife love dua will be very helpful. The dua for creating love between couples will help to maintain love and understanding in the relationship that will improve the prospects of the marriage.
The fights between couples are common and are also a part of the marriage. As the pressure and the challenges in life increase, both individuals get affected. This, in turn, makes the relationship vulnerable by leading to everyday arguments and disagreements. This is why reading dua for husband wife love is important. The dua for love between husband and wife will instill a sense of belongingness between you and your husband. As love seems to fade away with the increasing distances, it will restore harmony in the relationship.
If you want to get customized help in this regard, then you can contact our Molvi sab. for it. If you don’t see any changes in your relationship even after 11 days, then also you can approach us!
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Surah is Good for Husband and Wife?
Surah Taha for marriage is the best dua to bring husband and wife closer. This surah is helpful for married couples to have a happy and successful marriage. It increases the love between husband and wife. It also gives them the strength to face the bad times together and not let their marriage suffer.
How can I Increase My Husband’s Love in Islam?
Dua to increase love between husband and wife is a remedy for the married woman who want their husbands to love them. This dua is helpful in increasing the love and affection a man has for his wife.
What is The Dua for Husband Love?
It is the dua for the women who are not loved by their husbands. If a woman feels that her husband is ignoring her or he is misbehaving with her, she can read this dua to make my husband love me. This dua increases the love between husband and wife instantly.
How Do I control My Husband’s Dua?
Dua to control husband’s mind or the dua for controlling husband are both powerful duas. They help married women in controlling their husband’s minds very easily and effectively. These duas give great results when performed with a good and pure intention.