Wazifa For Marriage Proposal Acceptance
If you have fallen in love with a beautiful woman and want to get married to her only. Every woman gets a lot of proposals for marriage. If you want your proposal to be accepted without any obstacle, then try the wazifa for acceptance of marriage proposal. The wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance is the correct remedy to get married to the person you have fallen in love with. This wazifa is very effective in making the other person in loving you as well. This wazifa is the perfect Islamic way for you to get married only to the person you really like.
If a couple is already in love, but their families are not agreeing to the marriage, then they should use this wazifa as well. This wazifa will make their parents understand their feelings and they will change their mind. With the correct use of this wazifa, families will forget the reason for their objections and will happily agree to get their children married. This wazifa for marriage proposal acceptance is now being used by a lot of couples who want only love marriage. This wazifa has the power to get rid of all the obstacles on the path of your marriage.
Related Post: Powerful Wazifa For Quick Marriage Proposal Acceptance
Wazifa For Good Marriage Proposal
A girl dreams of getting married to a nice man. As soon as she reaches to an age of getting married, she starts getting marriage proposals. These proposals can be both good and bad. Nowadays, even good proposals have some negative aspects like dowry. No modern woman would want her father to give dowry in her marriage. No woman would respect a partner who demands dowry; settling down with this person would be another story.
The wazifa for good marriage proposal is the best way to avoid bad proposals. The wazifa for getting good marriage proposals is a tested remedy through which women get the proposals of only good men. This wazifa will make sure that the proposals come from only good families.
Some women, however, are not fortunate and don’t get even a single proposal. With passing time, their families start getting stressed and are ready to marry them off to any man they find. But these women should try the wazifa for getting good marriage proposals. This wazifa will get them married to a good man very soon.
How to perform this wazifa to only get good proposals:
- Perform wuzu and sit down to pray in a quiet place.
- Recite “Surah Yaseen”in a soft whisper for three times.
- Now recite, “Ya Aliyyu” 1700 times nonstop.
- Beg before Allah to get a good marriage proposal.
- After this read Durood-e-Sharif twice.
- End your prayer by thanking Allah and ask him to bless your wishes.
You have to continue this process for at least 21 days without missing. You will soon get the perfect marriage proposal for yourself and will get married soon.
If you have any more questions regarding this wazifa, you can contact our Maulvi Sahab directly.