Every person has a lot of problems in their life. Some problems are just way too hard to handle for people. To get rid of these problems, you have to ask for Allah’s blessings. Allah is the only power that can help you with these unbearable problems. The dua for all problems will help you get over all the difficulties you are going through.
“YaHayyoyaQayyuumBire’hmatikaaAstaghis” is the dua that is blessed by Allah and it will help you get over all your problems. This dua is effective for those who want solutions to lawful problems.
Dua For Problems To Go Away
Every human has a lot of problems in their life. These problems may be related to family, relationships, business or finances. These problems can take away peace and happiness from your life. When a person goes through any problem, their family also suffers because of it.
If you have a problem and want it gone from your life quickly, try the dua for problems to go away. The dua for solving problems is the Islamic remedy that has been used by people for many centuries. The dua for solving problems will help you with your ending patience and your problems will start disappearing soon.
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Dua To Solve All Problems
Are you a businessman and it is running at a loss? Loss in business is a big problem many people go through. By working hard, some people are able to recover their business from the loss. If you are unable to solve the problem of your business loss, then the dua to solve all problems will help you.
In this current time, every person has a fear of losing their jobs. Losing a job in this time is the biggest problem anyone can face in recent times. Not having a job puts you and your family in a financially stressful problem. This dua will help you in saving your job. If you have already lost your job, then this dua will help you find a new job very quickly.
Very Quick Effective Duas For All Problems
Life brings a lot of obstacles in your life. These problems are sometimes resolved by themselves. But sometimes, you need help from Allah to get rid of these problems. The very quick effective duas for all problems help you find quick solutions for your problems.
Every human should always be prepared for the problems in their life. When problems come in your life, you should defeat them with determination and strength. The powerful duas for problems will help you gain courage and confidence. These duas are the blessings of Allah for all his children who are facing problems in their life.
The duas for problems should be performed in these steps:
- Sit down after ablution to being your prayer of Fajr.
- After Fajr, recite this dua “Ya Hayyu Ya Qaayyum” for 11 times.
- Then, thank Allah and ask him to help you with your problems.
With this dua, your problems will start to go away within a week.
For any questions regarding this dua, please contact our Maulvi Sahab.