Wazifa For Beauty
Every human being whether male or female has every right to make efforts to make their face and body beautiful. They have the right to keep their husband or wives happy by enhancing the beauty and face features. We request our brothers and sisters to not go beyond your limitations to achieve glow on your face. The result will always be in form of deformation. Artificial beauty is not a solution, it is just a cover. If you want permanent and long-term changes on your face then the wazifa for beauty can help you.
The wazifa for beauty will take you towards a journey of beauty. The wazifa for beauty has power to transform men or woman looks into something absolute beauty and gorgeousness. You can use the wazifa for beauty to attract your husband or wife. You can even use the wazifa for beauty to attract you would-be partner instantly and to make a place in his or her heart if you are about to get married soon.
Dua For Beauty On Face
The desire to look beautiful is not new. People from all times have always had a desire to look gorgeous, attractive and beautiful. So, if today you are worried about your face and beauty then it is nothing new or to be embarrassed about. When we look at flowers, we feel attracted to them because of their beauty and sweet smell. So, if you want to have noor on the face just like flowers then the dua to get noor on face can definitely help you.
The dua to get noor on face will add grace and glow to your face so that whoever looks at you for the first time, will skip a heartbeat. Many of our brothers and sisters feel that they have an ugly face and they try all types of products. This causes side effects on their face and they lose their natural charm as well.
Dua To Get Noor On Face
We recommend you to stay as you are and appreciate your natural appearance rather than running after a fake face. If you desperately want to add noor to your face, then we would like to request you to beautify your inner soul, first. Rest of the problems, you can leave on the dua to get noor on face provided by our Molvi Ji. The dua to get noor on face will remove dark spots and unwanted marks from your face. It will whiten your skin and will provide you with a healthy glow very soon. Masha Allah!
The dua for beauty on face –
“Waa AmmaalLazeena By AddatWujuhuhumFafeeeRahmaateelaahee Hum FeehaKhaleeduna”
- Insha Allah, when you will recite the above-mentioned dua for beauty on the face every day 11 times.
- Then very soon, you will see that your face is getting whitened and gorgeous, with the mercy of Almighty – Allah Subhan WaTaala.
- After reciting the above-mentioned dua for beauty on face, you must blow breath on your hands and wipe your face with it nicely.
Insha Allah, very soon you will feel beautiful from inside as well as outside, Alhumdulillah!!
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